Use of New Technologies in the Field of Protection and Rescue During Disasters


  • Radislav Jovičić College of Business and Technical Education, Ozrenskih srpskih brigada 5A, Doboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Ladin Gostimirović Alfa BK University, Bulevar maršala Tolbuhina 8, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia
  • Srđan Milašinović University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Cara Dušana 196, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia



modern technologies, natural disasters, artificial intelligence, sensors, NICS


Nowadays, dealing with natural disasters is becoming more and more challenging due to climate changes that lead to more frequent and intense natural disasters. Traditional protection and rescue methods are often not sufficient to meet all the challenges posed by these disasters. Therefore, the integration of new technologies becomes crucial for more effective risk management. Research of various aspects use of modern technologies in prevention, detection, response and restoration, in the context of natural disasters, it is necessary to focus on innovative approaches. By using artificial intelligence (AI), drones, sensor technologies, advanced communication systems, and the NICS system (Next-Generation Incident Command System), the goals of protecting civilian populations, reducing damage and improving the efficiency of rescue operations are achieved. Since 2016, the ARCECP Project (Advanced Regional Civil Emergency Coordination Pilot Project) has enabled the partner countries of the Western Balkans to acquire, implement and adapt the NICS system, in strengthening the capacity of emergency response and management in the region. The NICS system has partially taken root in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), and this paper will mostly refer to the implementation of the application in BiH and recommendations for its development at all levels of the BiH government. Through the analysis of existing case studies and the application of new technologies, the work identifies key success factors, challenges and potential directions for future development in this area.


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How to Cite

Jovičić, R., Gostimirović, L., & Milašinović, S. (2024). Use of New Technologies in the Field of Protection and Rescue During Disasters. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 6(1), 111–122.