Earthquake risk perception in Belgrade: implications for disaster risk management


  • Vladimir M. Cvetković The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, Gospodara Vučića 50, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Jelena Planić Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management, Dimitrija Tucovića 121, Belgrade, Serbia;International Institute for Disaster Research, Dimitrija Tucovića 121, Belgrade, Serbia



disasters, earthquake, risk perception, management, preparedness


Difficulties in the disaster management process are caused by many factors such as the complexity and fast-spreading harmful effects of hazards, lack of timely and accurate information, difficulty in making key decisions, inability to assess the situation in a short time, complexity of managing necessary resources, etc. For these reasons, effective disaster response is conditioned by the availability of a variety of data stored in numerous international and national databases that can be used in real time. In addition, decision makers are forced to use a variety of information systems and tools that allow them to make quick and accurate calculations in order to make appropriate decisions in a particular situation. Guided by this, the authors, using the method of content analysis and literature review, identify, analyze and comprehensively systematize and describe the significant characteristics of such databases and information systems. The aim of this paper is the scientific description of information and logistics systems and databases that are important for disaster management. The scientific significance of the paper is reflected in the systematization of scientific knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of using information systems and databases on disasters. In contrast, the social implications of the paper are reflected in informing competent services about the existence and possibilities of using information systems and databases in specific cases of disaster management.

Author Biography

Vladimir M. Cvetković, The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, Gospodara Vučića 50, Belgrade, Serbia

Vladimir M. Cvetkovic is the Assis. Prof. (Disaster Risk Management) at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security, and has been engaged in research in the field of disaster studies for 15 years. He has published over 250 research papers and 20 scientific monographs. He is the founder of the Scientific Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management in Serbia, the International Institute for Disaster Research, and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Disaster Risk Management.


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How to Cite

Cvetković, V. M., & Planić, J. (2022). Earthquake risk perception in Belgrade: implications for disaster risk management. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 4(1), 69–88.

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