The role of the police in disasters caused by pandemic infectious diseases


  • Bojan Janković University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Belgrade, Serbia;



police, disaster, pandemic, COVID-19


So far, the police have played and are playing a very important role in the fight against pandemics in the current situation. Recent events have indicated the need to pay as much attention to the role of the police in emergencies caused by pandemics (epidemics) of infectious diseases, because it is noticeable that, in the previous period, either in practice or in scientific circles, not enough attention was paid to this segment of police work. The author's wish was to provide an answer to the question whether and in what way the police coped with the natural disaster caused by the pandemic of the infectious disease COVID-19. The answer would be that the police did not cope during the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper provides guidelines that would help police organizations cope with possible future natural disasters caused by a pandemic of infectious diseases in a better way.


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How to Cite

Janković, B. (2021). The role of the police in disasters caused by pandemic infectious diseases. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 3(1), 41–50.