Analyzing in Post COVID-19 era: The Effect of Occupational Stress and Work-Life Balance on Employees Performance


  • Umer Sani Sheikh Faculty of Management Sciences, Riphah International University, Islamabad



Occupational stress, Work life balance, Employee’s performance, COVID 19 fear


 For any organization, employee has a significant role in the overall performance and development. They have been considered the main asset of the organization. Employee performance has been dependent on various factors and contextual understanding. Drawing on the theory of self-determination, this research study focused on antecedents of employee performance in post COVID-19 context. The motivation behind this research study is to investigate the effects of occupational stress and work-life balance on employee performance in post COVID 19 era. To achieve the aim of the study 208 respondents were approached, who have been serving as middle-tier officers in reputed public sector medical universities and institutions. Statistical techniques (Normality of data, Correlation Analysis, Control Variables, Reliability Analysis and Regression Analysis) are applied to analyze the data through SPSS. The findings of this study depict that occupational stress and work-life balance create negative effects on employee performance in the context of fear of COVID-19. Accordingly, recommendations are provided for the targeted sector and others in general.


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How to Cite

Sheikh, U. S. (2024). Analyzing in Post COVID-19 era: The Effect of Occupational Stress and Work-Life Balance on Employees Performance . International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 6(1), 75–90.